The Dr Badmaev Tradition formulae currently offered by, Adaptrin®, TurmericImmune®, Serenity-151™, and Vigor-149™ serve their purpose for specific conditions. Therefore, the therapy has clear objectives. For example, Adaptrin is used primarily in those with poor peripheral circulation for three weeks. One tablet x 3 a day improves the walking distance. TurmericImmune reduces inflammatory conditions, typically upper-respiratory congestion, using a regimen similar to the above with Adaptrin. Serenity-151 increases the non-specific resistance to stress (TUMO) and helps memory functions, resulting in improved performance depending on the time of the day and the stress condition: 1 or 2 tablets in the morning will add to stamina, while a similar dose at the end of the day will help in a restful sleep. Vigor-149 supports a difficult time of transition, during menopause or andropause, in women and men alike; it is not an aphrodisiac, although it may improve libido and stamina, but primarily supports both genders’ health during the “autumn” of life. 

As a general rule in Tibetan medicine, the improvement related to therapy is gradual to ensure optimal therapeutic effects with a particular formula. The treatment with an herbal formula usually starts with one-third of the maximum therapeutic dose, with a total dose attained over weeks. Therapy generally spans approximately three months, followed by a one-month break and re-evaluation. The person may repeat the cycle to improve the outcome of a particular treatment. The one-month break between cycles is to re-evaluate the patient’s condition and to restore the self-defense mechanisms. After a person attains improvement and the objectives of the intervention, the maintenance dose is recommended to sustain good health.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.