Vigor-149™ The Healthy Choice For Men’s And Women’s Vitality



VIGOR-149 is a traditional Indo-Tibetan herbal formula that supports aging men’s health or andropause, and aging women’s health or menopause. 60 Tablets

SKU: 60-vigor

VIGOR-149™ originates in the tradition of Indo-Tibetan medicine. Its use derives from the Badmaev family tradition. The formula aims to address aging men’s and women’s health problems and improve vitality in healthy individuals. According to historical accounts, Georgi I. Rasputin, known in late Russian history as a flamboyant “monk” with close ties to the family of the last Czar, Nicholas II, had used No. 149 to support his active and colorful lifestyle. Rasputin was a patient of Dr. Peter Badmaev (Zham-Saran Badma), the 19th-century founding father of a five-generation spanning family tradition. 

The versatile formula No. 149 historically supports aging men’s health or andropause and aging women’s health or menopause. Andropause is a set of symptoms that may begin in men as early as in their forties, with corresponding menopause changes in women around 50. It consists of a decline in physical, sexual, and psychological performance, manifested by weakness, fatigue, reduced muscle and bone mass, sexual dysfunction, diminished reproductive abilities, depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, memory impairment, and reduced cognitive functions.

This group of symptoms, often referred to as a midlife crisis, results from an increase in hormonal imbalance with age in men, primarily a decline of testosterone and estrogen production in women. Testosterone begins to drop on average after 40 years of age; its secretion and body levels affect physiological functions such as sexual arousal, aggression, emotional tone, and cognition. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone production are the main hormones declining in menopausal women, responsible for the hormonal imbalance. 

Approximately 20% of men 60-80 years old have daily blood testosterone levels below the lower limit of the norm, with the circadian rhythm (the daily rhythm of testosterone) affected in comparison with a younger population. Typically, the early morning rise in testosterone levels is characteristic of young men but absent in older men. The average 24-hour testosterone levels were significantly lower in healthy aging men than young men.

Similar changes in circadian hormonal rhythm occur in the bodies of aging females. In a clinical study of female patients presenting with sexual dysfunction, an herb Tribulus terrestris, one of the essential ingredients in formula No. 149, administered for 90 days statistically significantly improved Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), enhancing levels of circulating hormone testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone. The latter has the potential to convert either to testosterone or estrogen. 

Following the tenets of Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine, No. 149 provides a broad regulatory action on the aging organism rather than an individual organ or system-oriented action. Accordingly, No.149 offers a safe and effective alternative to synthetic hormonal replacement for aging men and women. 

Traditionally, this definition of protective effect applies to the group of natural pharmacological compounds alleviating physical and psychological stress, vitalizers, as mentioned in 1000 B.C. by the Ayurveda scholar Caraka Samhita. The vitalizer is known today as an adaptogen – the term proposed by a Russian scientist, Lazarev, and his disciple Brekhman of the Russian Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok. Adaptogen’s characteristics:

  1. Safety of the adaptogen’s action on the organism.
  2. A wide range of regulatory activity, but manifesting 
    • the action is only against the actual challenge to the system.
  3. Acts through a nonspecific mechanism to increase the
    • nonspecific resistance (NSR) to harmful influences of 
    • the vast spectrum of physical, chemical, and
    • biological factors that are causing stress.
  4. Has a normalizing action irrespective of the direction of the preceding pathological changes.

The adaptogen properties of No. 149 support hormonal adjustment of the organisms of men and women during biologically troubled times. Especially during andropause and menopause. In addition to Tribulus terrestris No. 149 contains 14 botanicals, including Withania somnifera or Ashwagandha, and Asparagus racemosa are the body’s guard against hormonal imbalance, overcoming an excessive adrenal hormone cortisol response to the stress of menopause and andropause.  

Cortisol is part of our body’s adaptation reaction and is critical in alerting and activating the body’s defenses. Still, its unrestrained secretion in aging leads to adverse effects on hormonal balance: diminishing and depleting sex hormones and, ultimately, the first response hormone, cortisol. Healthy endogenous testosterone levels and estrogens maintain mental acuity, psychomotor coordination, and physical performance. It improves the hormonal cycle, enhancing libido and fertility in healthy women and men.

Tinospora cordifolia exemplifies components with broad biological action of No. 149 due to its bioprotectant activity. The two distinct modes of bioprotectant action are preventing the formation of free radicals and neutralizing the already-formed free radicals. Traditionally known as Guduchi, Tinospora is one of the three highly valued Amrit plants, including myrobalan and garlic, which have been understood and practiced in Ayurveda for thousands of years. The adaptogen and bioprotectant properties determine the protection against age-related deterioration of hormonal health.

Indication and Usage:

Based on contemporary and historical use, the formula addresses the health concerns of men and women; 

  • Maintaining hormonal balance and libido in andropause or menopause and psychosomatic conditions caused by stress.
  • Mental exhaustion, giddiness, depression, and decreased physical performance associated with andropause and menopause.

*To maintain virility and zest of life.

Recommended Dosage

One tablet three times a day, in the morning, lunchtime, and evening, half an hour before a meal, five days a week, with two days off. For better results, take No.149 with warm broth in the PM and a daily multivitamin tablet.

**Although VIGOR-149™ is a practical support of human health, health improvement usually comes gradually with this regimen. This mechanism relies on the Oriental philosophy understanding that a meaningful improvement in health status must occur stepwise to be lasting.


Tibetan Medicine. Badmaev, V. 1999 (May) In a book titled: Essentials of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Wayne B. Jonas and Jeffrey S. Levin, published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 0-683-30674-X: 604. Available at

Glatfelter, R. Edward, In The Modern Encyclopaedia of Russian and Soviet History (Badmaev, P.A.), Wieczynski, Joseph L. (ed.). 1976, Vol. 2, pp. 234-237.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.